Completed Projects Gallery

January 31, 2022
Chat Cola – Custom stitching by Roland Brideau

One of the things about some of my best charts is they look fairly simple looking at the finished project. However, they really weren’t that simple. This one Chat Cola, might just be that. When I responded to getting the new image. I said how great it looked and I wasn’t lying. I love seeing […]

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January 6, 2022
Grandparents by Erika Mason

There is something really great about charting old images especially old couples. Grandparents are just so sweet looking to me. The fashion of the day way people was posed. It’s great. Erika Mason has returned with this finish. This is her 2nd finish for Advanced Cross Stitch and she is starting another one. Woo Hoo.

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December 30, 2021
Wild Goat by Gail Jones

This is incredible. It was one of my favorite charts ever, because it’s wild. Wild animals are always a favorite of mine but add that it was a client image taken on a vacation. This is a memory for Gail. That’s an added bonus for me too. It’s been a complete joy to see this […]

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November 30, 2021
Madonna / Baby Jesus Classic Art and Custom Chart

Here, I’m just going to share the email that brought this finish to me. Hi, Jennifer, I wanted to send a photo of the completed project. It took Aunt Jean 13 months to complete, the longest of any other project she’s ever done. She says, “It was truly a labor of love and it is the […]

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November 20, 2021
Wilma Dayrit Custom Chart

Here we go… it’s finish day. Wilma Dayrit has finished this custom chart. It’s her daughter coming in from a flight at the airport. You can’t really tell that from image, but the image was very light hearted and so much love being on display. It was important to Wilma that we get her whole […]

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November 4, 2021
Black and White Family Completed by Fien Rijsdijk

Oh my gosh such a dramatic finish to show you today. This is a chart that I created April 2020, so this brilliant piece was done in less than 2 years. I have kids and such running around and think that is incredible for an active family. Fien is extremely talented. This is amazing work. […]

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September 19, 2021
Custom Puppy by Jane Gathercole

Jane stitched this beautiful puppy as a gift for her family. What an amazing talent to share. I didn’t know Jane was nervous about this piece at all. She seems confident in what we had done, but here is what she says about stitching this piece. Good morning Jennifer from the UK I hope you […]

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September 8, 2021
Baby Grant by Karen Nazarewych Completion

OK, I’ve been holding back, mostly so I can keep looking at the image in my to-do list this week. However, it’s time… the world needs to see Baby Grant. Karen is such a skilled stitcher, and he turned out just so perfect. Thank you Karen for letting me be a tiny part in this […]

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August 27, 2021
Dog Memorial by Cyndi Scenna

The stitching here is so great. I’m so thrilled that I get to have just a little part in these pieces, this one turned out so great. What a great tribute to a great pet. This is a custom chart, created with limited colors. If you would like to get a chart of something special […]

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August 25, 2021
Eddie Custom Chart by Jamie Jo Butler

Here is a second finish… so look here and you can see the first finish. These are both amazing pieces. Jamie has 3 more to go as well before Christmas, she’s so ambitious with her stitching goals. Here is her nephew Eddie. He’s a vision of perfection even I can’t wait to see whom is […]

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August 14, 2021
Easy Turtle Stitched on Tee Shirt

Here is Easy Turtle stitched on a black tee shirt. The neck was stitched slightly wrong, so it’s not the chart. Two extra rows were added to the stitching making it sort of look funny. The black in the chart was not stitched in this because the shirt is black. Waste canvas was used to […]

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August 6, 2021
Shadow by Renee Sholly


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May 25, 2021
Custom Family Crest – Anne Sheperd

Family crests are one of my favorite types of charts. I know they will be treasured family possessions, so seeing them become stitched is amazing. This is one of those great family crests. This was stitched by Anne Sheperd. If you would like a custom chart. You can get information about submitting your artwork.

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May 3, 2021
War Hog stitched by Jan Sietsema

The war hog artwork by Joe Shawcross. I created this chart in 2014, so it’s been awhile. These projects take a long time to complete. Today though, is the day that we can reveal the stitched version. The amazing stitcher Jan Sietsema was so nervous about starting out. She had never done a project this […]

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April 21, 2021
Niece by Jamie Butler (Custom Chart)

If you read every post in this column, you’ll know that I say the same thing in each one. It’s my favorite day when I get to see a completed project. The posts are months apart, so it’s no joke. Each one happens on my new favorite day. This wonderful stitching is from Jamie Butler. […]

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April 8, 2021
Tractor Chart stitched by Anne Chambers

I say this every time, but it’s so true. Getting a finish from one of my charts makes my day and makes my week, this one is a free chart which made today so special because it’s out of the blue. I don’t know when some of my custom charts will be stitched and finished. […]

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March 18, 2021
Grandson by Samroey Freeman

This isn’t Samroey’s first Advanced Cross Stitch piece. She already finished her beautiful grand daughter. The beauty in this family is overwhelming, don’t you think? Here is her grandson though, and her most recent finish. She’s so brilliant and adds fast to that. This would have taken me twice as long. Maybe it’s because I […]

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March 10, 2021
Grey Cat Stitch by Joyce Eldridge

It’s another day for a finish. This is the lovely grey cat rescued by Joyce. The stitching is so beautiful.

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February 21, 2021
Grain Elevators by Debra Goodwin

There are times I get to make charts that are so personal. This is one of those cases. The original image was quite hard to work with, but it worked out and after 7 edits. This is the results. Debra is a brilliant stitcher and added some silver stitches in the snow at the bottom. […]

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February 1, 2021
Rosemary Reavley – Horse

This is a second chart in this gallery for Rosemary. She’s a very talented and fast stitcher. This brilliant stitching is from a chart I did in November 2019. I changed out the sky to one a little bluer but simplified it as well. We used a limited quantity of colors, trying to focus the […]

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February 1, 2021
Beaded Shoes Finish

I did a custom chart for a unique use a while ago. The client wanted to turn the chart into beaded shoes. She has now finished the beading and is ready to sew them onto the toes of the shoes.

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January 28, 2021
Candy Dieser – Custom Sunset Completion

There is nothing I love more than seeing some charts that I created come to completion. It truly improves my day when I see these wonderful projects come all the way full circle. This is one of those projects that is beyond my expectation of results. The hardest accomplishment in creating cross stitch charts is […]

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December 16, 2020
Maureen Harkins – Kira Custom Chart Completion

This one is super exciting… share a little of the stitching progress here as well. This is the start in March. Here is the stitching progress in November. Isn’t this amazing…. so beautifully done. Then last, the completed Kira. Isn’t she beautiful… both the dog and the stitching. What a wonderful job here. I hope […]

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December 15, 2020
Renee Sholly Custom Design

This special pup turned out great. We designed this chart on the small side and with limited colors. So it could be a fairly quick project, but still show some of the details and customizations of her son’s lovely dog. It turned out brilliant as well. Renee has proven a great stitcher.

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November 15, 2020
Xena – The Rottweiller Stitching Complete

You really can’t get better. This is the stitching of Katie Stuthers and it turned out absolutely perfect. What talented stitchers find their way to me. What a thrill it is to be able to help people with these great charts.  This is her dog Xena. It was created as a custom chart. It’s a […]

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October 25, 2020
Little Girl on Beach by Sherry Griffith

It’s a great week. I get to show you 2 custom chart completions in one week. That’s so awesome. This one was charted a couple years ago, so it’s a complete surprise to me. (I rarely see them after a year has past.) So… I’m so excited. Anyways, Sherry Griffith stitched this little beauty. I […]

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October 23, 2020
Beautiful Granddaughter Custom Cross Stitch Completion

You really can’t get better. This is the stitching of Samroey Freeman and it turned out absolutely perfect. What talented stitchers find their way to me. What a thrill it is to be able to help people with these great charts.  This is her granddaughter. It was created as a custom chart. It’s a smaller […]

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August 1, 2020
University of Pittsburgh by Kathy Bogle

Here is the work of another amazing stitcher. This is a chart of the logo of University of Pittsburgh where her daughter is an alumni.

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July 26, 2020
Pugs by Cindy Shoffner

I love making custom charts. I really do. It’s my favorite because they are so personal and everyone is so different. It’s a peak into the unseen. You know what is better though? It’s the days when you get to see one of those custom charts stitched and turned out beautiful. Well today is that […]

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April 22, 2020
Pine Cone Watercolored Finish

This is a chart that I actually charted for myself. My husband is a forester, so I stitched this to go on his wall with his diplomas. There is a pretty major error in the stitching versus the chart. You will be able to find it. It’s my stitching not the chart. You can stitch […]

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July 5, 2019
Horse and Farm by Jenna Mol

This is the brilliant stitching of Jenna Mol. You might not believe this, but I actually changed the head of the man on the horse. The original image had this same man with a cowboy hat on. We used an image of him looking over his shoulder to add the head to that image. The changed […]

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February 11, 2019
Terrier “Dewey” by Robyn Langlie

This is Dewey stitched by Robyn Langlie. He was created on November 26, 2018 and February 9th, 2019. What a beautiful tribute to an equally amazing pet. If you would like a custom chart here is the information form.

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November 19, 2018
Stitched Couple Custom Cross Stitch Project

The amazing Lisa Weber created this stitching of her son and fiance for a gift. I think it turned out just amazing. The chart was quite a challenge because of the shadows of their natural settings, but her stitching is so brilliant. I’m so thrilled with the results. I hope you are impressed as well. […]

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October 11, 2018
Girls Stitched by Theresa Heuser

Theresa has been working hard on a special project for the last six months. On the left is the picture I started with and on the right is the completed cross stitch. This is her daughter on the right and her best friend on the left. She is so sweet and thanked me for the […]

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May 14, 2018
Patricia Rideout – Old Fisherman

“The Fisherman” was painted in 1920 by Harry Haerendel is copyright expired. The iconic painting ‘The Fisherman’ exists in thousands of Norwegian homes and is considered a Norwegian icon by some. Some research into the background of the painting reveals that this painting has nothing to do with Norway, though. The painter of the original […]

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January 2, 2018
Hand Drawn Artwork by Kathy Mobley

Work here shown off by the amazing stitcher – Kathy Mobley My 13 yr old granddaughter drew this picture. If you are interested in a custom chart, please start at this page.

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November 20, 2017
Kitten Custom Chart Finish

This is the beautiful work of Theresa. This chart is based on an image of her little kitten.  She’s a quick stitcher too. I created this chart in August and here we are November and I see it finished. That is amazing. If you would like a custom chart created just for you. Here is […]

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November 6, 2016
Family Custom Stitching by Erika Mason

You won’t believe it, but this is Erika Mason’s first cross stitch project and I do believe she’s now hooked on the hobby. This is an image that wasn’t the easiest to create into a custom chart. The colors are very similar from the background to the skin tone of the family, so it took […]

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October 12, 2016
Cabin Rules Custom Chart / Charlotte Vgood Stitched

The Cabin Rules custom chart. This is a fun chart. It was made with just the words being provided. I used all the same font for each line, but varied the sizes so that it fit in one line across. It’s really her stitching  that is awesome and it turned out just lovely. I would […]

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September 5, 2016
Christina Lawrence Family Custom Chart

Here was a really hard chart to create, but it’s turning out very recognizable from the original image. What a brilliant / beautiful family.

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