The loop method to anchor your threads when stitching with an even number of threads is an easy way to anchor threads. Here with the help of images by Vivian Anchor-Todde. (Thank you, Viviane) I’ll show you how this method is done from the front of your piece. May people also do this method and create the anchor directly on the back as well. Either method is great, it’s about what works for you.

I’ve found that since using a stand to hold my stitching that it’s easiest not to turn over my work, so this is exactly how my threads are anchored as well. Although, I usually start my down stitch on the bottom corner of my piece, versus the top. It doesn’t matter which way your loop begins or ends.

This first image shows you how she sets up her thread. You can see she’s using two strands, but prepares one folded in half. (You can do this with as many strands as needed for even numbers only, of course.)

Lined Up Thread

Here you can see the needle threaded at the end where the to strings are loose.

Needle Threaded

Here you can see the loop sticking out still while the needle is drawn downward.

Down the hole

Here you can see the needle is drawn up making the thread tight on the back of the piece.

Draw Needle Up

Here is where it gets its name, draw the needle through the loop.

Through The Loop

Pull the loop in tight to the fabric.

Pull Tight

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Push the needle down same whole loop end of thread is up. The first hole that you came up through.

Return to Back

Pulling the thread tight here, will pull that loop connection onto the back of your stitching.

Pull Thread Loop To The Back

Here is the back side of that stitch. It shows you that the loop is right there on the back of the piece.

View From Behind

Now your thread is anchored and you just proceed with stitching.

Continue Stitching

I hope you’ve enjoyed this little lesson and the loop method for beginning your stitches.

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