Product Recommendations

I am asked frequently about products helpful to me while stitching though, so I will share some of them here. There are so many places to get stitching products and so many things people used to help them. There is no right or wrong choices, but just your own personal preferences. These are just mine… not right or wrong.

Yes, I do have an affiliate account and (click on these product images) you’ll be directed to the exact product on Amazon. These are true products that I use and recommend though, not some marketing scheme to get you to buy things I don’t use myself.

This is the pattern holder that I use. It’s awesome. It keeps my chart clean and flat while not in use, but is sturdy enough for marking and generally abusing while I am using it. It flips open and is a convenient size to hold full pages of paper at a time. I love that it comes with earth magents as well. They are super strong.

I think Qsnaps are an essential tool. Some stitchers swear by hoops or scroll frames. I don’t think you can go wrong with a Qsnap though. These little frames are great and you can even clamp over your stitching without damage. I have every size, but my preferred size is the 11×11.

I recommend these Donga gel highlighters. These feel a little like you’re sliming your chart when used, but they are safe. I’ve dropped my other highlighters onto my stitching, and it can permanently damage. These are a safe and bright alternative.

I also recommend the Sharpie Accent Highlighters. These are bright and hold their color well. A set of these will last me several years and doesn’t dry out. There is a retractable version of these that I do not recommend. The ink formula must be different because they fade with time and eventually you can hardly tell you marked your chart at all. You have to be extremely careful with these not to drop or get on your stitching. I’ve done some permanent damage in the past, which is why my first recommendation isn’t these. This is second…. I still use these at home though. I do not travel with them.

Many of you know, I do a lot of parking with my threads. When I park a thread, I mark it on the chart with a pencil. I usually use and prefer to use this brand. Staedtler, not only that, but I like the woodless ones. Why? Well, they last forever and almost never need sharpened. I don’t like an extremely sharp pencil to use on my charts, so these are perfect. I might sharpen my pencil every 6 months. Yeah, I said it right about every 6 months. I stitch a whole lot too. Sharpening these only takes one turn of the handle too. They are sharp like magic.

I am a collector of needle threaders, but when I recommend a commercially available one. This has to be it. This threader is a little pricey, but it also will last if not abused. This threader pulls your thread through the needle horizontally instead of vertically, so it’s less damaging to the thread itself. I have had threads damaged with other threaders. That simply won’t happen with this one.

Hemistats are in my book an essential stitching tool. I prefer using these over any sort of thimble. You can grab and securly pull your needle through even the most stubborn stitches. They are really low priced as well, so no real reason to not have them in your tool arsenal for when needed.

This is definitely an optional product and I don’t really think it makes any difference what you use to keep your supplies in. I do think it’s extremely helpful for me though. I like this one because it’s semi-rigid. You can open it up and spread your things out, while leaving them still in box. You can then just flip it closed and go. It’s really easy to travel with this. You have all your supplies in one easy spot.

Well, there you have it. These are the actual products that I use when I’m stitching. Be sure to let me know what your favorite products below. I would love to give something new a try to pass on information about.

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